When 2 Tee Batting Drills are Necessary
After a while, kids get bored hitting balls off a single batting tee. Additionally, players may get away with incorrect habits, when only hitting the stationary ball on one batting tee. To add some variety and challenge to batting tee practice, two tee-batting drills are good for helping gain the perfect baseball swing. The following two-tee batting drills do just that.
Quality Batting Tee Drills
For batters, who pop up or swing under a great number of balls, the “high, low tee drill” helps. This drill develops a compact swing and eliminates the long, uppercut swing. This drill works best on high pitches in the strike zone, which are common pitches that batters drop the barrel on, with popped up or missed balls the result. It is necessary to note that, in order to correct bad swing fundamentals, having players slightly exaggerate the opposite of their bad habits, helps correct players’ swings.
Batting Drills
Batting Tee Drills to Prevent Bad Strides and Swings
For players who step differently based on the pitched location, or who do not understand where to make contact on various pitch locations, the following drill is a good first step to correcting those. The “inside/outside tee drill” develops contact points, understanding of contact points and the same strides.
Batting Drill
Set one tee on the outside corner about 4 inches in front of the lead leg and the other tee on the inside corner about two feet in front of hitter. After the stride, hitters hit the ball (inside or outside) called by the coach. When players have no coach to call out, they alternate hitting one than the other, after taking the same stride before swinging. When done correctly, contact is on one ball, and balls are driven to the direction of the struck ball. With the incorrect swing, players will hot both balls. Helping batters understand that the stride is the same on every pitch, with contact points being different, is usually necessary for inexperienced players.
Batting Tee Drills to Help Swing Extension
For batters, who pull their head, front shoulder or roll their wrists early on the swing the “two tee in line drill” develops correct swing extension, as well as keeping the front shoulder from pulling off the ball. Batting Drills
Set two tees in line with a ball at the same height on each tee and about a foot apart. The ball closest to the hitter is out front of them in the prime contact-hitting zone. The object is to hit line drives with both balls, which is possible if hitting the inside back of ball closest to the hitter and extending through the second ball, without rolling the wrists too early.
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